Geddes offer a full range of both pallet types along with a design service ensuring that your needs are fully met in the most economical manor. These pallets can be made as one-trip pallets or constructed to withstand the rigours of regular use. All pallets manufactured by Geddes are made with ring-shanked nails for extra holding strength. Geddes also offer the option of stenciling Individual customer's requirements on all pallets for ease of identification.
Below are examples of standard styles to choose from:
Two-Way Entry Pallets:
Two-way entry pallets are only accessible from the front or rear of the pallet. They are of very strong and sturdy construction and are manufactured using bearers to support the top board timbers. They can also have bottom boards for both extra strength and stability when stacking or if extra weight distribution is required.

Four-Way Entry Pallets:
Four-way entry pallets are easily accessible from all four sides. They are equally strong and sturdy and are manufactured using timber blocks linked together with top & bottom boards and top & bottom stringers. They are available in two distinct types, either with a full perimeter base or with three bottom boards.

If you require a specific or bespoke style of pallet then please contact a representative who will be happy to help.